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- skf SAF 22518 x 3.1/16 SAF and SAW pillow blocks with bearings on an adapter sleeve
- 12.0000 in
- 3.2500 in

- skf SAF 1510 x 1.3/4 SAF and SAW pillow blocks with bearings on an adapter sleeve
- 0.2500 in
- Cadmium Plated

- skf SAFS 22520-11 TLC SAF and SAW pillow blocks with bearings on an adapter sleeve
- 2 x 3/4-10 UNC
- 128 kN

- 560 mm x 750 mm x 258 mm skf GEC 560 FBAS Radial spherical plain bearings
- 0800675170950
- M06110

- 30 mm x 47 mm x 30 mm skf GEM 30 ES-2RS Radial spherical plain bearings
- 4
- 0.875 Inch | 22.225

- skf SSAFS 22540 x 7.1/4 T SAF and SAW pillow blocks with bearings on an adapter sleeve
- Round
- Lubrication Fitting

- 80 mm x 130 mm x 75 mm skf GEH 80 ESX-2LS Radial spherical plain bearings
- Order adapter or wit